Love & relationships, Self-development

The power of rejection and how that helped me to come back to myself


Since I’m a single mom, now officially 3 years ago, I’ve been going through all ups and downs possible when it comes to re initiating my life. Not just by being a single mom (Note: a single mom is a mom who is raising her children on her own, and not always implies there is no father playing a role!) also just by being a woman, and especially when it comes to love affairs.

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Love & relationships, Social media

To Tinder or not to Tinder


After a month or two on Tinder I can’t call myself an expert, and I also wouldn’t like to get that label at all! But I came up with some tips and ideas, especially for the men out there.

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Inspiration, Social media

First steps: following the advice given


When I started this challenge, on a  monday really late in the evening, exactly on the 12th March, I didn’t have in mind what was I going to achieve by sharing my experience and asking for help on social media. I had, yes,  the idea that social media could actually work for almost everything. I’m always using Facebook for the creation of events, and sharing information with a great network. That’s something that gives me lots of feedback.

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